
10 Construction and Public Works Sector Players Form Community of Sustainable Equipment Players

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10 players in the construction equipment industry, including manufacturers, rental companies and construction firms, have decided to structure their grouping by creating the Community of Sustainable Equipment Players (Communauté des Acteurs du Matériel Durable – CAMD). The Community, which grew out of the work and discussions held to date at the Sustainable Equipment Meetings, will be active all year round, to work in synergy with the trade federations to accelerate the environmental transformation of the construction equipment industry.


The Community aims to pool the efforts, knowledge, best practices and skills of the various players involved, and to raise awareness among private and institutional stakeholders of the essential role played by site equipment in accelerating the sustainable and responsible transformation of the building and civil engineering sector, and more broadly, of local life.


Determined to successfully transform the construction equipment sector into a sustainable one, 10 volunteer companies from the sector (Bouygues Construction, Colas, Eiffage, Haulotte, JCB, Kiloutou, Manitou Group, NGE, Salti and Volvo) have met several times over the past year to work on structuring the Community of Sustainable Equipment Players.


The CAMD has now been set up as a not-for-profit association under the French 1901 Act, with a collegiate governance structure representing the three core businesses of equipment manufacturers, hire companies and building and civil engineering contractors. A chairman, Olivier Colleau – also Chief Executive Officer of Kiloutou – and two vice-chairmen, Michel Denis and Patrick N’Kodia, respectively President & CEO of Manitou Group and Director of Transformation at Bouygues Construction, have been appointed.


CAMD will pursue five key objectives:

  • Provide practical solutions and support cross-sector projects
  • Build a knowledge base and a common decarbonisation trajectory
  • Raise the profile of the materials sector and its role in the transition of the construction industry
  • Defend, alongside the trade federations, the convictions of a sustainable industry
  • Foster a shared vision and ambition for decarbonising the industry.


These 5 key objectives will be monitored and implemented by an Operational Committee made up of representatives from the 10 member companies. Their role will be to identify and lead cross-functional projects focusing on the sector’s technological challenges (energy, power trains, carbon footprints and measurements) and regulatory developments (CSRD, European taxonomy, SBTi). In addition, the Operational Committee will be responsible for organising the CAMD’s major events, including the next Sustainable Equipment Meetings, to be held on 24 September 2024.


The CAMD is based on the pooling of efforts, skills and best practices to accelerate the environmental transformation of the industry, a cross-disciplinary approach that complements the work carried out by the trade federations. The common knowledge base resulting from the studies, work and projects commissioned by the CAMD is a real lever for efficiency and accelerating the transformation. It is therefore intended to be shared with current and future members of the CAMD to feed their individual and common roadmaps for the decarbonisation of the sector.