Accelerate the Move to BIM for Infrastructure with Enhanced Autodesk InfraWorks 360

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Autodesk, a leader in 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software, recently announced that it is enhancing its Autodesk InfraWorks 360 product by including new Road Design, Drainage Design and Bridge Design Modules at no additional charge or separate subscriptions.

These advanced capabilities were previously found separately in vertical Autodesk application modules. By including these features in the core InfraWorks product, users will no longer need to purchase modules individually.

A rendering  of  the  E16  Highway  in  Norway  created  in  InfraWorks  360  by  Autodesk  customer,  COWI. Image courtesy of COWI

A rendering of the E16 Highway in Norway created in InfraWorks 360 by Autodesk
customer, COWI. Image courtesy of COWI

InfraWorks 360 is Autodesk’s next generation BIM for Infrastructure offering that enables true parametric modeling in spatial context. It uniquely offers customers the benefits of maintaining a BIM workflow through planning, design, construction and operations of infrastructure assets. Many customers worldwide like Parsons Brinkerhoff, VHB, David, Evans & Associates, Soethe Cursino (Brazil), and others have leveraged the power of InfraWorks 360 to optimise their project delivery process.

AutoCAD Civil 3D users are also now able to attach InfraWorks 360 to their traditional CAD-based workflows and improve their productivity through enhanced BIM workflows. The seamless interoperability between InfraWorks 360 and Civil 3D provides customers an unparalleled opportunity to fuse BIM’s contextual visualisation capabilities with detailed CAD design in their projects.

“We’re constantly working to expand the capabilities of InfraWorks 360 and help customers improve their project workflows. By integrating more functionality into the core InfraWorks 360 product at no additional cost, we are lowering the barriers to adoption for customers and helping them to accelerate their move to BIM for infrastructure,” said Gianluca Lange, Head of Sales for Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Autodesk ASEAN.

Existing users InfraWorks 360 simply need to update their version of InfraWorks 360 to gain access to the complete package. New subscribers to InfraWorks 360 will also immediately have access to all the capabilities available within the InfraWorks 360 portfolio.

Beyond including these new Road Design, Drainage Design and Bridge Design Modules at no additional cost: Students, teachers and schools worldwide can take advantage of free* access to InfraWorks and other 3D design tools and curricula via the Autodesk Academic Resource Center

Interested users can access a free* 30-day trial of InfraWorks 360 via