Build Safely with Safe Formwork Systems

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Investments in safety soon deliver demonstrable benefit to every project. Greater cost-efficiency, a reduced risk of accidents and enhanced employee motivation are just some of the advantages of implementing a professional safety concept on the site. When it comes to safety, Doka takes a holistic, A-to-Z approach that runs all the way from product development to safety consulting, and to its extensive range of products and services.

Study after study has shown that on safe jobsites, people work faster. Quite apart from human suffering and loss of value-creation, accidents also cause heavy costs ranging from sick-leave to legal consequences which may even include work on the site being stopped altogether. The old objection to installing safety systems is that it “means more work”; Doka has made this objection ever less relevant by developing quick and easy-to-operate safety innovations for every type of forming assignment.

A holistic understanding of safety begins right from when formwork systems are still under development. Safety, ease of handling and ergonomic design are among the key characteristics of Doka products. The use of high-grade materials for all formwork components not only makes them last longer, it makes them safer, too.

Systematic safety
Doka systems unite speed, safety and cost effectiveness on the site. For a high standard of safety, Doka offers complete systems for floor, wall or column formwork. These come with ‘on-board’ protection features such as ladderways or working platforms with integral edge protection. Pre-assembly of the protective elements at ground level, and easy-to-use connector components that allow the formwork and platform to be repositioned in one piece, make for swift, safe work on the site.

Safe, from the planning through until completion
As early as in the planning phase, Doka supports its customers with professional consulting with safety issues. In-depth analysis of the initial situation provides the basis for individualised solutions in which suitable products are incorporated into the formwork planning right from the start. Efficient usage of formwork systems is achieved not only by the features themselves, but even more so by using their components correctly. This is why high-quality documentation such as formwork utilisation plans, instruction manuals and safety data sheets are such an important basis for a safe site. Services such as practical, relevant training offerings, Formwork Instructors and fielding technical advisers facilitate a high level of safety on-site.