IES awards outstanding engineering projects and professionals

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The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) presented the IES Lifetime Engineering Achievement Award 2015 and the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2015 at the World Engineers Summit (WES) on Climate Change 2015 Gala Dinner and Awards Night today. Mr. Chan Chun Sing, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and Secretary-General, National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) graced the event as the guest-of-honour.

International and local engineers and climate change experts and professionals gathered at the dinner, after two days of discussion on ‘Sustainable Urban Development for Global Climate Resilience’ at the second WES hosted by IES.

IES Lifetime Engineering Achievement Award


IES awarded Er. Tan Gee Paw with the third IES Lifetime Engineering Achievement Award in recognition of his significant contributions to Singapore in ensuring the sustainability of its water supply. The award is conferred upon individuals whose lifetime accomplishments and achievements have made profound impact on the engineering industry and community and have brought national or international honours to Singapore.

“Er Tan Gee Paw has dedicated a great part of his life to ensure that our island, which lacks one of the most essential natural resources, is assured of a sustainable water supply. For his exceptional foresight, dedication and accomplishments, he is a fully worthy recipient of the IES Lifetime Engineering Achievement Award. Er. Tan has proven himself to be a great role model to raise the profile of engineers amongst the public and interest the young to take up engineering as a career,” said Er. Chong Kee Sen, President, IES.

“One of the best traditions of the engineering profession is the quiet dedication of engineers to nation building and service to society with little thought of recognition. My colleagues who have worked with me for the past five decades uphold this fine tradition. The IES Lifetime Engineering Achievement Award is therefore an award for all my colleagues in the engineering profession who have given many decades of their lives in service to society and the nation,” said Er. Tan.

IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards


To recognise outstanding engineering projects which have made a significant contribution to the engineering progress and quality of life in Singapore, IES awarded 13 engineering teams with the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards. These winners have been selected from 25 entries based on their contribution to the well-being of people and communities; resourcefulness in the planning and solving of design problems; pioneering use of materials and methods; innovations in planning, design and construction as well as unique aspects and aesthetic values.

“The winners of the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2015 demonstrate the diversity of engineering, from innovating materials that significantly reduce the requirements for air-conditioning to enabling cost-effective eye-screening for glaucoma detection. Regardless of their engineering discipline, each winning team exhibits distinctive value in enhancing the quality of our lives and our environment. We congratulate every one of them and hope that the awards will motivate them to continue to scale even greater heights,” said Er. Ho Siong Hin, Chairman, Awards Committee, IES.

With five winning entries, A*STAR emerged as the biggest winner of the night for the third consecutive year. Winning projects submitted by A*STAR include ‘The Future of Audit: Predictive Analytics on Irregularities and Risks in Bank Branches’ and ‘Speak to Me in My Language’ translation technology.

“A*STAR is delighted to be recognised at the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards. These awards underscore A*STAR’s commitment to undertake innovative research leading to products and processes that can be adopted by companies to raise their competitiveness. We are dedicated to drive for excellence and forging partnerships with companies to grow our industries,” said Dr Raj Thampuran, Managing Director of Agency for Science, Technology and Research.