Schindler 5500 – "Freedom of Design"
Schindler breaks new ground with significantly more design options for architects
Your elevator deserves the most attractive cabin design.
“Elevators are small spaces and it is important that people feel comfortable in them. They have architectural characteristics, but at the same time they must also meet the requirements of modern industrial design. The Italian architect and designer was responsible for the interior design of the new Schindler 5500 – the innovative elevator for commercial and office buildings.
The motto for the concept was “Freedom of Design”. In other words: builders and architects should, as much as possible, no longer be restricted in terms of design. To achieve this, four lines were developed for the concept, ranging from the robust, functional variant (Navona) to the very complex, inspiring, and elegant-looking cabin design (Sunset Boulevard). They were, as always, when it comes to new Schindler design developments, tailored to the current architecture needs and trends.
Colors, materials, combinations
“There are basically two approaches that architects use,” says Edgard Spekking, Manager Sales & Marketing at Schindler. “The first integrates the elevator entirely within their building concept – they make the elevator part of the foyer. The other is to make clear, architectural accents with our products. And we want to offer solutions for both types.”
Newly available in Deco 2.0 is the expanded selection of warm, neutral and cool colors, providing entirely new possibilities of color and material combinations, giving walls and ceilings a whole new dimension.
Stainless steel is still very popular, as the classic material for an elevator. Glass elements are also being used increasingly more often; both transparent glass panels as well as colored, the so called “Back Painted Glass”. These are glass panels that are painted on the reverse side to achieve a deep color effect.
Also new to the range is the innovative “digital printing” on stainless steel and glass, which opens up completely new design possibilities and provides very inspiring cabin interiors for demanding architectural concepts, such as hotel lobbies, board rooms or roof-top bars. Imagination knows almost no bounds in cabin design today, especially because the Schindler 5500 allows for the interior weight to be up to 50% of the cabin payload.
Schindler 5500 Deco 2.0 – Waving Sensations
Straight or curved
The optional “wave” element between the cabin ceiling and rear wall, which gives the cabin a “shuttle”-like feeling, is new in the Schindler 5500 program. Round or square? This incidentally is often a cultural question. For example, while curved lines and shapes are favored in southern regions, nordic design tends towards straight lines.
Ambient lighting
Accents in the cabin are also possible with the use of mirrors and light. Energy-saving LEDs are fully integrated into the design, especially because of the pleasant light they emit, which contributes to the well-being of the passengers. Today’s cabin light design comes not only from above but is now also available in the handrails or in the baseboard area.
Realize the customer’s vision
With the new Schindler 5500 design possibilities, a close connection was established with the newly refurbished Schindler 3300. When both types of lift are used in the same building, they can be designed with the same decor elements. “The architect’s time is limited and it is important for them that they do not need to make extensive analysis, even with special solutions. Therefore, our range is very attractive,” says Eric Darmenia, Schindler 5500 Program Director. With the new possibilities, Schindler will “realize the vision of the customer.”
Or, as designer Paolo Tempia Bonda formulated it: “Because the tastes and preferences in the world are not the same everywhere, we offer a selection. In order to assist our customers, we offer them some ‘Guidelines’ where they have the option of adapting to their individual and cultural tastes.”