
2017 Trends In The Enterprise

Reading Time: 2 minutes

by Gavin Milton-White, Vice President Asia Pacific Enterprise at CommScope

With changes and uncertainty in the global landscape – Brexit, President-elect Donald Trump, country leaders resigning – 2017 could be the year of massive change as businesses loosen their purse strings and invest, or organizations reduce spending while waiting to gauge the impact of changes. Even with these two different scenarios, we see a few trends for the coming year in business enterprise network infrastructure.

Cloud Migration
Service providers, enterprises and data center owners began a migration of applications to the cloud and we see this increasing over the next year.

A recent IDC survey indicates that currently 41 percent of a company’s IT budget is allocated to cloud versus outsourcing or in-house. The survey indicates that in 24 months, that will increase to 47 percent.In Asia Pacific region excluding Japan, spending on public cloud services in particular will grow at a 22.9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), which is almost six times the rate of overall IT spending growth – from nearly US$7 billion in 2015 more than doubling to US$15 billion in 2019.

Nonetheless, we believe there also will be a build out of private clouds for those industries that have regulatory requirements or their legacy networks do not allow them to go to a full public cloud at this time.

Capital Decisions
The lease versus buy and capital expenditure versus operating expenditure debate is ongoing with businesses. Throughout the next year, we see service providers and enterprises looking at options to building their own networks as they explore co-location (or multi-tenant) options for data centres and leasing office buildings.

By 2018, IDC predicts that 45 percent of the ICT spending in enterprises will be on a mix of co-location, hosted and public cloud datacentres in order to react to changing data use patterns in Asia Pacific; this has been a consistent and ongoing trend for the past couple of years but we see the gap closing in 2017 as enterprises shift from ‘build you own’ to multi-tenant data centres.

It is part of every business and IT discussion these days and it will only become more intense in 2017. We see an increase in the demand for video for surveillance, both for government and private businesses. This issue includes physical security—securing the building, people and assets—as well as network and data security.

Network Convergence
The trends of capital investments and security are also impacting another area that we see as big trend in 2017—network convergence. Take buildings, for example. What was traditionally just hardwired for data and voice is now being retrofitted or designed new with wireless in mind. Building owners and operators are looking at the co-existence of wireless and wireline for the coming year but will consider the new radio spectrum, both licensed and unlicensed, that is coming available as well as new technologies that enable the universal ceiling.

As this convergence happens, we see a greater focus in 2017 on consolidation and partnerships (creating an ecosystem) to address these needs.

Autodesk expands availability of Revit’s collaboration service

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Autodesk recently announced the expanded distribution of A360 Collaboration for Revit, a service that works with Revit software to connect project teams with centralized access to BIM project data in the cloud. Released and available in North America only since December 7, 2014. Collaboration for Revit will be available for commercial global use as of today.

Collaboration for Revit helps project teams conquer the barriers of corporate firewalls and physical location by enabling centralized access to Revit models. Team members in all disciplines from multiple firms or sites worldwide can access and work in models hosted in the cloud. This virtual colocation is an improvement over costly and inefficient workarounds for sharing models such as use of FTP sites, sharing software, or email, and adds up to significant benefits that are amplified for global building project teams.

A360 Collaboration for Revit revolutionizes project collaboration by connecting team members within the Revit models where they work.

A360 Collaboration for Revit revolutionizes project collaboration by connecting team members within the Revit models where they work.

Centralized access to project data contributes to more efficient and easily managed collaboration whether within a firm or for projects involving remote participants. “Collaboration for Revit provides us greater flexibility,” says Leo Gonzales, BIM Manager at Newman Architects. “If they’re on the road, at a job site, or just working from home, our users can access their Revit projects as if they’re sitting in one of our offices.”

A360 Collaboration for Revit opens doors to participate in joint ventures and multi-location projects. “Seamless information sharing between joint ventures and project partners is the future of doing business,” says Gonzales. “And Collaboration for Revit gives us that future… today.” The reduced need for in-person meetings or co-location of teams translates to lower travel expenses and better work-life balance for project team members.

Physical distribution of teams enabled by Collaboration for Revit can relieve the requirement for office space for all project team members. Finally, with location not a limiting factor, project leaders have more options for accessing people with the right skill set for a project, resulting in better allocation of team resources

With the Communicator for Revit chat tool that comes with Collaboration for Revit, project team members can communicate directly with each other in real-time, within the project models. A designer in any location can chat with other team members and attach files, images, or Revit screen captures. Using real-time chat within project models helps designers not only to stay in touch but also to know instantaneously who is working in the model and what they are doing.

Collaboration for Revit is tightly integrated with Autodesk A360, providing Revit design and engineering teams a centralized cloud-based workspace in which to work together more efficiently on projects and make more effective decisions. External team members and project contributors who do not use or have access to Revit software can view, search, and socially interact on models, discuss challenges and successes, and stay current with project activities. This is ideal for building owners or others who want to have visibility to the project status, but don’t need full access.

Timely feedback and input from an extended team speeds communication timelines and can help ensure project understanding and buy-in. A360 Collaboration for Revit revolutionizes project collaboration by connecting team members within the Revit models where they work.