

77% of Southeast Asia’s Construction Businesses Committed to Integrating Data into Operations

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Despite recognising the importance of data, more could be done to help construction  businesses make strategic use of data

Procore Technologies, Inc., a global provider of construction management software recently released its annual construction industry benchmark report How We Build Now: Technology Trends Shaping and Shifting Construction – Southeast  Asia 2023’.


This year, the report surveyed construction decision-makers across Singapore,  Malaysia, and the Philippines. The report reveals insights into the construction industry’s overall sentiment, current challenges and opportunities for businesses, how businesses are managing risks to protect their bottom line, and the level of digital maturity and adoption of construction technologies.  The following types of construction businesses took part in the survey:




Gap in the confidence and ability to harness data in construction

According to Procore’s research, construction professionals are increasingly aware of the role of technology and data in their businesses but are still hesitant about their data strategy. Southeast Asia construction professionals who responded to the research unanimously agreed  (99%) that better data management can bring benefits to their businesses. Respondents also estimated that on average, 22% of total project spend could be saved through more efficient data management.


However, despite a high awareness of how data can be used to their advantage, only 6% of companies surveyed in Southeast Asia have laid the foundation for a data strategy. Additionally,  although 77% are planning to design and implement a data strategy over the next 12 months,  more than half of these companies (52%) are only somewhat confident in their ability to do so.


“It is clear from our research that while construction professionals in the region have a strong understanding that data and analytical insights can help drive better business outcomes and protect their businesses, many struggle with developing clear data strategies,” said Tom  Karemacher, head of the region, Asia Pacific, Procore.


“While software vendors undoubtedly play a  critical role in assisting construction businesses in this transformative journey, more can be done.  Software vendors will need to clearly demonstrate the returns on investment, thereby justifying the indispensability of construction technology and data management. This will help drive the  adoption of innovative solutions within construction that unlocks unparalleled value for the  industry.”


Construction professionals continue to show interest in adopting technology

Despite the challenges in harnessing data, construction professionals in the region remain committed to embarking on their digital transformation journey. Respondents cited improved cost management (42%), reduced reliance on human labour (39%), resource efficiency through fewer errors or less rework (38%), improved build quality (38%), and improved ability to handle more projects (38%) as the benefits of technology adoption.


Correspondingly, more than three-quarters of businesses surveyed (77%) revealed that they are looking to increase their spending on construction technologies as a proportion of their annual budget. Interestingly, younger businesses that are aged below 10 years were found to be more likely to embrace technology (81%), as compared to established businesses over 10 to 20  years (71%) and those over 20 years (68%).




Of the technologies that will be the biggest drivers of change in the next three years, construction management platforms take the lead (55%), followed by payments technologies (38%), pre-fabrication (34%), big data (33%), and next-generation BIM (30%).


Optimism across the Southeast Asia Construction Industry

Overall, there is optimism among the construction industry professionals surveyed. Industry confidence for Singapore this year stands at 90% confident, where 50% were very confident, and 40% were somewhat confident. In 2022, we received a 93% confidence rate where 45% were very confident, 48% were somewhat confident).


When polled on the construction industry outlook in Southeast Asia, 88% of respondents expressed confidence in the industry’s market conditions over the next 12 months. Driving this optimism was expectations for the increase in both the number (73%) and value of projects (71%) over the same period.


Respondents are also placing a larger emphasis on risk management to protect their bottom line.  Almost four in 10 respondents (39%) are rethinking contracting models to protect margins or considering new payment methods, such as early payments at reduced margins (37%). A focus on risk management has become more important, especially in light of persistent challenges such as the increased cost of raw materials and equipment (44%) and winning competitive bids and tenders at a sustainable margin (32%), as revealed by respondents.



“The How We Build Now report was developed as a research tool to reflect on the issues impacting the industry at a moment in time. Through this report, we hope to inspire new conversations and share how construction leaders are bridging the gap between challenges and solutions,” concluded Karemacher. Additional highlights from the report include:

  • Wait-and-see approach to technology adoption: 40% of respondents reported that they prefer to wait until technologies are more established and proven before adopting them.
  • Time spent on rework: On average, 1 in 5 project hours remain wasted on rework,  hindering productivity where time could be spent more efficiently.
  • Workplace diversity and inclusion in construction needs to improve: Currently,  women make up a minority of the construction workforce, particularly in executive (25%),  site manager (24%) and team leader (27%) roles.
  • More emphasis on sustainability is needed: Only 51% of respondents believe that the construction industry needs to do more to adopt more environmentally friendly and sustainable building practices.


Click here to download How We Build Now: Technology Trends Shaping and Shifting Construction – Southeast Asia 2023.

Procore technologies, inc

Procore Launches Digital Transformation Program with the Philippine Constructors Association to Upskill Local Construction Workforce

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Procore technologies, inc


Procore Technologies, Inc., a leading global provider of construction management software, and the Philippine Constructors Association Inc. (PCA), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to launch a PCA Digital Transformation Program in the Philippines. This partnership aims to extend the network of technically-skilled professionals in the construction industry and is expected to upskill up to 150 PCA members in using Procore’s construction management software in 2023.


“The construction industry is slow in keeping up with the advancement of technology – not for the lack of technology solutions, but rather a skills gap in using the technology. Providing the necessary tools and training is critical in moving the entire industry forward into a more productive, efficient and safe environment to work in. Procore is excited to be a key player in accelerating the digital transformation journey for the construction workforce in the Philippines,” said Bruce Wells, Vice President of Asia, Procore.


According to the Procore How We Build Now 2022 benchmark report, construction firms in the Philippines understand that digital transformation is vital to overcome challenges in the industry, ranging from the increasing cost of raw materials and equipment, and maintaining safety, to improved productivity and staff management. In fact, the survey found that Filipino construction professionals recognise the benefits of construction technology, in particular the reliance on human labour (55%), the ability to handle more projects (54%), and resource efficiency through less rework (53%).


To kickstart the PCA Digital Transformation Program, PCA identified nine individuals from its partners and member firms who will first be trained by a Procore strategic product consultant on the Procore platform.  Following the training, these selected PCA members will then be qualified to serve as trainers that will lead technical workshops for the rest of the PCA members. PCA members will receive complimentary access to the Procore account and will undergo technical workshops on project management, quality and safety and more. Upon concluding the workshops, the members will complete online certification courses which validate their knowledge and expertise in using the Procore construction management platform.


“Globally, the construction industry is facing a skilled workforce shortage that cannot be solved overnight.  The Philippines’ construction industry is therefore undergoing a rapid digital transformation push to address this challenge, by enhancing productivity and upskilling our current workforce to ensure they stay relevant and competitive in the global arena. We are thrilled to be partnering with Procore to help future-proof our local construction industry, and be a frontrunner in the digital era,” said Barry Paulino,  Executive Director, PCA.


Image credit: Procore Technologies, Inc.