
USG Boral Relocates Corporate Headquarters To Singapore

Reading Time: 2 minutes

USG Boral, a global leader in building products technology, has announced the relocation of its Corporate Headquarters from Kuala Lumpur to Shenton Way in Singapore.

The company’s key executive team will now be based in the Singapore office, including the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Technical Officer (CTO), General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Human Resources (HR), while the Kuala Lumpur office will continue to serve the crucial function as its Operations Headquarters.

“We want to ensure our organisation is primed for strong and continued growth in the region. Being located in Singapore will enable us access to a broader talent pool in the market and enhance our corporate profile in the construction industry,” said Frederic de Rougemont, CEO, USG Boral. “This is an exciting and significant milestone in USG Boral’s journey to constantly innovate with the best and brightest in the region.”

Located at the heart of Asia, Singapore provides access to fast-growing economies including China, India and Southeast Asia – all of which are key markets for USG Boral. With the recent initiatives from the local government to reinvigorate the construction sector, such as the launch of the Construction Industry Transformation Map (ITM) and Infrastructure Office, this strategic move will allow USG Boral to leverage opportunities to support its business growth and succession planning.

“Singapore’s connectivity to the region, diverse talent pool, strong ecosystem of partners and pro-business environment are key attributes that companies value, which can help them accelerate business growth and strengthen their global footprint. This is especially crucial in light of new opportunities driven by rising infrastructure demand in Asia. We are excited that USG Boral has chosen Singapore as its Corporate Headquarters, and look forward to the company capturing new business opportunities in the region through Singapore,” said Lim Kok Kiang, Assistant Managing Director, Singapore Economic Development Board.

The country is currently home to more than 7,000 multinational corporations’ (MNCs) regional or global headquarters, and is an excellent platform for USG Boral to network and establish relations with key decision makers and government agencies.