Top Honours Go To 10 Outstanding Projects At IES Engineering Achievement Awards 2018

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(images courtesy of  The Institution of Engineers, Singapore – IES)

One of the winners of the Young Creators Awards

One of the winners of the Young Creators Awards

The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) recently announced the 10 winners of the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2018. The awards celebrate the most outstanding accomplishments of engineers in Singapore in the past year and recognise their significant contributions to stimulating engineering progress and enhancing quality of life in Singapore.

Mr. Heng Chee How, Senior Minister of State for Defence presented the awards to the winning teams at the 12th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (CMCEE 2018) Conference Dinner as the guest-of-honour, in the company of about 400 local and international guests from 46 countries.

The projects emerged from 27 submissions as winners after a rigorous round of judging by a panel of experts. The winning teams have distinguished themselves in resourcefulness in the planning and solving of design problems; pioneering use of materials and methods; innovations in planning, design and construction; and unique aspects and aesthetic values.

Winners from the NUS Faculty of Engineering

Winners from the NUS Faculty of Engineering

“Through the awards, IES hopes to raise greater awareness of the contributions of engineers to our society and economy and to inspire the younger generation to consider engineering as the preferred career choice. We also hope that the awards will spur the winning teams to advance their work to the next level of excellence,” said Prof Yeoh Lean Weng, IES President. The 2018 awards winners are:

Applied Research and Development

  • 4-IN-1 Smart Utilities Plant tailored for tropics by National University of Singapore (NUS) & King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  • Automated Needle Targeting with Medical Image Robotic Assisted Guidance Equipment (ANT-MIRAGE) by NDR Medical Technology Pte Ltd
  • Bulk photovoltaics and unique UV sensors from bulk photovoltaics by Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), a research institute under the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
  • Low Motion Semi: A next-generation revolutionary semisubmersible by Keppel-NUS Corporate Laboratory
  • Renewable air filters from regenerating molecular building blocks by NUS Faculty of Engineering

Engineering Project

  • National Gallery Singapore by CPG Consultants Pte Ltd
  • Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled on-demand lighting for the Smart Nation by Housing & Development Board and ST Engineering

Technology Innovation

  • Soft hybrid surgical gripper for delicate tissue manipulation by NUS Faculty of Engineering

Young Creators Award

  • A 16-channel capacitive sensor interface circuits for physical signals monitoring by NUS Faculty of Engineering
  • Mars Science Space Rover by Nanyang Polytechnic.

The top projects will move on to receive the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award, a coveted accolade for engineering professionals and organisations in the region.